Bah Hum Bug

By Hannah Crooks3 min readMar 2019
Bah Hum Bug

Christmas is nearly upon us and it's nearly time to put up the beloved tree.

In most houses the main focus is the tree and whilst many choose a plastic tree, some of us opt for the traditional real tree which can bring in unwanted insects and pests. The UK alone sells between 7 and 8 million trees each year so it would be wise to check your tree before you bring it into your house. Common trees are Norway spruces and other coniferous firs.

There are many associated pests related to these trees in their natural environment.

There are a few things we can do before we front the tree inside.

- Shake and bang/knock the tree to dislodge any unwanted insects or nesting.
-If possible, leave your tree somewhere else like the garage or shed to let the bugs and insects come off the tree.
- Examine the tree thoroughly for diseased leaves, spider eggs and bugs. Some are not so visible.
- Clean, gently brush and vacuum your tree if the hardy type.
- Never treat your tree with an aerosol (insecticide) as this is flammable.
Don't worry though as most of the insects will not live in your home as they are used to the outside habitat, most will die off.
You could find aphids, bark beetles, psocids, mites and most commonly spiders.

If you have an issue or require some advice, give Contego a call on 0800 028 7111.

Defend yourself against pests with Contego

Don't wait until pests have invaded your premises, take action now and get in touch with Contego to safeguard your space from infestations. Our expert team is ready to assist you in defending yourself against pests, so contact us today for a comprehensive solution.