Protect Your Property

Ground Nesting Deterrent

If you have encountered disruptions to your construction or demolition project due to nesting birds, it is crucial to seek professional assistance before it starts costing you valuable time and money. It is important to note that it is illegal to kill birds, remove their nests, or destroy their eggs without the appropriate license. At Contego, we offer specialised Bird Nesting Mitigation services to swiftly address this issue, so you can commence your project promptly. With a focus on humane methods, we provide comprehensive solutions to deter birds from your site, including the removal of eggs and nests.

Key Benefits of our Bird Nesting Mitigation Service

By investing in our bird nesting deterrent mitigation service, you can prevent birds from nesting on your property, reducing potential damage to structures and minimising the risk of disease transmission. Our expert team will implement proven techniques and methods to create an inhospitable environment for nesting, ensuring a cleaner, safer, and more professional space for both residential and commercial properties.

What it is

A pest control company may use a variety of methods to deter ground nesting birds, depending on the specific circumstances and the species of birds involved. Some common deterrents for ground nesting birds include:

Physical Barriers

Installing physical barriers such as bird netting, wire mesh, or fencing around vulnerable areas can prevent ground nesting birds from accessing nesting sites. These barriers create a barrier that birds cannot penetrate, effectively deterring them from nesting in the protected area.

Scare Tactics

Employing scare tactics such as visual deterrents (e.g., scarecrows, reflective tape, predator decoys) or auditory deterrents (e.g., distress calls, predator sounds) can create an aversive environment for ground nesting birds, discouraging them from nesting in the vicinity.

Habitat Modification

Modifying the habitat to make it less attractive to ground nesting birds can help deter them from nesting on the property. This may involve removing or reducing vegetation that provides cover or food sources for birds, altering landscaping features, or introducing deterrent plants or repellents.

Chemical Repellents

Using chemical repellents or bird deterrent gels on surfaces where ground nesting birds may nest can make these areas unattractive or uncomfortable for nesting. These repellents typically contain ingredients that birds find unpleasant or irritating, encouraging them to seek alternative nesting sites.

Environmental Modification

Making changes to the environment to disrupt nesting habits can discourage ground nesting birds from nesting on the property. This may include altering lighting conditions, introducing barriers to access nesting sites, or implementing habitat management practices to reduce nesting opportunities.

Delay & Disruption

Impact on Industry

The Bird Nesting Mitigation services provided by Contego can be of immense value to a variety of industries. Some industries that may be impacted and can benefit from our expertise include:

Construction Sector: Construction projects often face delays and complications due to nesting birds. By availing our services, construction companies can ensure timely completion of their projects and avoid costly setbacks caused by bird-related disruptions.

Demolition Sector: Demolition sites can also attract nesting birds, leading to potential hazards and project delays. Our Bird Nesting Mitigation programs can effectively manage bird activity, allowing for safe and efficient demolition operations.


Companies We Have Helped

Our success stories in the field of Bird Nesting Mitigation services highlight the effectiveness of our approach in various industries. Through these case studies, you can discover how our solutions have successfully resolved bird-related challenges in construction, demolition, and infrastructure development projects.

Frequently Asked Questions