A Partnership Approach

Experts in Pest Control

Providing comprehensive pest control, bird control, insect control and environmental services through through data-driven approaches to reduce your pest risk.

To protect; To Shield; To Defend
Technician with graphics and text saying "made for pest control"

software solutions & smart technology

Innovating Pest Control

Contego is revolutionising pest control through software solutions and smart technology. Our job management reporting dashboard provides real-time insights, photographic evidence, and onsite alerts for immediate action.

With UK-wide service delivery and specialist proofing teams, we guarantee consistent audited quality. Experience the difference with our Synergy Action Management Portal, seamlessly integrating technology to streamline processes and provide exceptional customer experiences.

Our Services Explained

A decorative graphic using the contego icons with a seagull flying over the text Summer is sizzling

Battling Pests this Summer with a PEST-Proof Plan

Summer Pest Control

Summer brings warmth and sunshine, but it also ushers in an array of pests. At Contego, our expert team is ready to tackle summer pest challenges, from ants and wasps to flies and rodents. Our tailored pest control solutions ensure your property remains safe and comfortable throughout the season. Trust Contego to keep your summer pest-free and enjoyable.


Smart Bird Control

At Contego, we utilise advanced smart bird control solutions to effectively manage and deter bird populations. Our innovative approach combines cutting-edge technology with humane methods to prevent birds from roosting and nesting on your property. By using smart systems like automated deterrents and monitoring tools, we ensure efficient and environmentally friendly bird control, safeguarding both your property and the well-being of the birds.

A technician holding a falcon with graphics in the background
A technician holding a falcon, infographics highlighting anatomy, with the text "Made For Pest Control"


Falconry Bird Control

At Contego Response, our falconry bird control service offers a natural and effective solution for managing and deterring pest birds. By employing trained birds of prey, we create an environment of natural fear that encourages pest birds to relocate. This humane method is particularly effective for large open areas such as airports, industrial sites, and agricultural lands.


Bird Dispersal

Contego is revolutionising pest control through software solutions and smart technology. Our job management reporting dashboard provides real-time insights, photographic evidence, and onsite alerts for immediate action.

With UK-wide service delivery and specialist proofing teams, we guarantee consistent audited quality. Experience the difference with our MyContego Action Management Portal, seamlessly integrating technology to streamline processes and provide exceptional customer experiences.

A technician installing a bird deterrent with decorative icons in the foreground

Summer Time Pests

CustomER Testimonials

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Companies we have helped

Discover how we have successfully assisted numerous companies in effectively managing pest problems.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Accreditations

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CHAS monochrome accreditation logo
ISOQAR monochrome accreditation logo
Safecontractor monochrome accreditation logo

Defend yourself against pests with Contego

Don't wait until pests have invaded your premises, take action now and get in touch with Contego to safeguard your space from infestations. Our expert team is ready to assist you in defending yourself against pests, so contact us today for a comprehensive solution.