Bird Control
Bird Experts

Bird Control

When it comes to bird control, it is essential to consider various factors, including the species of pest birds, legal requirements, and available control methods. Proper identification of the species is crucial, as different bird species have different legal protection statuses under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 in the UK.

The permanent solution

In this section, we will explore the various problem bird species in the UK and highlight effective methods employed by Contego
to control their presence and mitigate the associated issues.

Shelter and Property Damage

Birds often seek shelter and nesting sites in buildings, causing property damage and creating unsightly messes from droppings and nesting materials. Their nests can block gutters and vents, leading to further structural issues.

Health Risks and Pest Attraction

Birds pose health risks by spreading diseases like salmonella and histoplasmosis through their droppings. Their presence can also attract other pests such as insects and rodents, exacerbating pest problems on the property.

Agricultural and Safety Concerns

Birds can damage crops, contaminate food supplies, and create safety hazards by nesting near electrical equipment or air vents. These issues highlight the importance of proper bird management to prevent them from becoming a significant nuisance for property owners and managers.

Pigeon Bird Control

Expertise and Experience

Contego stands out as a leader in bird control due to our comprehensive approach and commitment to delivering effective solutions tailored to our clients' specific needs. With 20 years of experience in the pest control industry, we have honed our expertise in managing bird-related issues with unparalleled precision and efficiency.

Comprehensive Bird Control Solutions

Our bird control services encompass a wide range of solutions, including bird netting, spikes, wire mesh, and bird deterrent systems, all designed to deter birds from roosting, nesting, and causing damage to properties. We ensure that each method is suited to the unique challenges of each property.

Humane and Environmentally Friendly Methods

Additionally, we offer humane and environmentally friendly methods that prioritise the well-being of both our clients and the birds themselves. With Contego, clients can trust that their bird control needs are in capable hands, backed by a team of skilled technicians dedicated to delivering lasting results and ensuring a pest-free environment for all.


The Cost of Bird Control: Key Considerations

When considering the cost of bird control services, there are several factors to keep in mind:

  1. Initial Cost of Pre-Planned Maintenance Visits (PPMs): Regular, scheduled visits can help maintain bird control measures effectively.
  2. What's Covered: Understand which bird species are included as standard and the levels of proofing provided.
  3. Additional Costs: Be aware of the hourly rate for extras and the mark-up rate applied to materials.
  4. Coverage and Response Times: Consider the geographical coverage of the service and the response times, both during and outside regular hours.

It's important to note that bird control pricing will vary significantly depending on the size of your site and the level of service required. For example, additional services like the installation of bird netting or spikes can affect the overall cost.

Contract with Bird Control Provider

Once you have agreed on the specification, call-out KPIs, and rate card, you can be assured that you're covered for all essential or high-risk items.

Commonly, bird control services include deterrents and proofing measures. The level of cover you'll need depends on the type of buildings your business operates from and the location. For instance, urban areas may require more extensive bird proofing measures compared to rural settings. A reliable bird control provider will survey your site, assess risk levels, and provide tailored advice.

Bird control contracts are typically based on the following formula:


National account rates are generally around 25-30% lower based on volume, route density, and risk across a larger portfolio.

Ad-hoc Bird Control Service – Using Approved or Local Suppliers

All bird control companies will accept 'one-off' emergency call-outs. However, the risk with using an ad-hoc, non-contractual service is that the cost of reactive services is often much higher. Additionally, if you're an unknown client, securing same or next-day service can be challenging, especially during peak seasons.

Another major risk of shopping around online for bird control is that it is a self-regulated industry. This means that with only basic training, anyone can advertise as a 'bird control technician.'

Reactive call-out rates are normally higher and expose you to greater pest risk.

Some providers may also charge a same-day premium.

If you consider this option, we recommend employing a provider that is a member of the BCPA. Membership of this professional body ensures that technicians are competent and can control birds safely, legally, and effectively. BCPA members are also fully insured businesses with at least £2M public liability insurance and follow the BPCA Codes of Best Practice.

Reactive Service Based on Call-Off Contracts

The main advantage of a reactive approach is the potential cost savings on planned visit costs. However, it's crucial to weigh this against the increased risk and higher costs of emergency call-outs.

By considering these factors, you can make a well-informed decision about the best bird control service for your needs.

Eyes in the sky

Falconry Response

Falconry response is a non-lethal and highly effective solution for various bird issues, particularly against nesting gulls, roosting pigeons, and starlings. Trained hawks and falcons are deployed to establish a territory and deter target species. The intensity and duration of the program depend on the species and the nature of the problem, whether it's roosting or breeding populations.

Falconry Bird control



Proofing is a highly effective option for bird control due to its proactive and preventative nature. By implementing proofing measures such as bird netting, spikes, and wire mesh, property owners can create physical barriers that deny birds access to nesting and roosting sites. Unlike reactive methods that focus on existing bird populations, proofing addresses the root cause of bird-related issues by preventing birds from establishing themselves in the first place. This not only reduces the need for ongoing bird control interventions but also minimises property damage, health risks, and nuisance associated with bird issues. Additionally, proofing solutions are humane, environmentally friendly, and compatible with a wide range of architectural styles and building structures, making them a versatile and sustainable approach to bird control.

Solar Panel Proofing

Know Your Birds

From Rapid response to planned

Flexible Solutions

Reactive - Non-Contractual:

Our bird control service offers flexible options, allowing for reactive responses to address specific bird issues without the need for long-term contracts.

Reactive - Call Off:

We understand that bird control needs can arise unexpectedly, which is why we provide timely response and assistance to address any urgent bird-related concerns.

Pre-planned Maintenance:

With our pre-planned maintenance services, we ensure regular inspections and proactive measures to prevent and manage bird-related issues, providing long-term solutions and peace of mind.


Different Birds, Different Considerations

Contego excels in determining the most effective form of pest control for various bird issues, thanks to our extensive experience, in-depth knowledge, and commitment to tailored solutions. Our team of experts conducts thorough assessments of each situation, taking into account factors such as the bird species involved, the severity of the infestation, and the specific characteristics of the site. Whether it's implementing bird netting to prevent roosting, installing bird spikes to deter nesting, or utilising other innovative solutions, Contego ensures that our clients receive customised bird control strategies that are effective, humane, and sustainable in the long term.

Contego Proofing Technician

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