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Pigeon Guide

11 min read



Pigeons are known carriers of over 110 pathogens, according to reports. Extensive research indicates that various wild birds can transmit diseases to humans.

In 2019, two individuals lost their lives in a Glasgow hospital after contracting a cryptococcal fungal infection, which was later traced back to pigeon droppings. Diseases can be transmitted through both bird droppings and the birds themselves. When pigeon droppings dry, they can disperse into the air as small particles, potentially causing respiratory issues.

It is crucial to wear suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) when dealing with bird droppings. Poor food hygiene practices or direct contact with droppings can lead to the transmission of food-borne bacteria to humans. Always remember to wash your hands promptly in such situations. Pigeons, gulls, house sparrows, and starlings possess the potential to harbour food-borne diseases. Therefore, it is crucial to prevent their presence around food manufacturers and distributors to maintain food safety.

Did you know:

Studies indicate that as much as 49% of feral pigeons may carry Chlamydia psittaci. Human infection is termed ornithosis, and symptoms encompass chills, fever, sweating, severe weakness, headache, blurred vision and pneumonia.

2. The impact


Bird droppings, due to their acidic nature, have the potential to corrode and erode metals, stonework, and brickwork. Additionally, nesting materials used by birds can lead to blockages in chimneys, flues, and guttering, resulting in potential issues with carbon monoxide and building damage from overflowing water.

Buildings covered in bird fouling not only appear unpleasant and emit odours but can also project a negative image of a business, potentially harming its reputation.

If customers observe signs of a bird infestation on your premises, they may be hesitant to engage in business with you.


If you have birds roosting in and around your business, it's advisable to seek professional assistance promptly.

In the UK, allowing birds to infest a food business is a violation of the Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995 and could lead to prosecution of the food company. Neglecting health and safety hazards puts your staff and customers at risk. Investing in a professional bird management contract can result in long term cost savings by minimising damage to your property or stock.

Bird infestations can cause severe damage to reputations, as bird droppings can make a business appear unclean and suggest a state of disrepair. A business covered in such waste may deter customers. Therefore, finding a professional to address bird infestations at your workplace is crucial to protecting your business and its reputation.

A technician installing netting for bird control
A group of pigeons
A pigeon flying into a group of pigeons on a street
The roof of an asda store fuel station
Bird control image by Contego


The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 safeguards all wild birds, their nests, and eggs. However, specific exemptions allow for the control of certain species through particular methods for specific reasons.

This exemption is granted in the form of a wildlife license issued by authorities such as Natural England, Natural Resources Wales, Scottish Natural Heritage, or the Department of Agriculture, Environment, and Rural Affairs. General licenses are issued to permit specific actions that would otherwise be illegal under the legislation, eliminating the need for individuals to apply for a specific license. In some cases, individual licenses are granted for specific situations not covered by a general license, and these require application.

According to the law, only competent individuals, such as professional pest controllers, are authorised to deal with certain species. It is essential to consult with a professional before considering any bird control measures, as the list of birds considered pests can change regularly. Illegally interfering with a bird, its nests, or eggs without a wildlife license can lead to prosecution in the UK.

3. Pest Facts


The feral pigeon is a prevalent pest bird discovered in urban areas, towns, and rural environments in the UK and worldwide. Pigeons can host a diverse array of diseases and insects on their bodies. Additionally, their nests and droppings pose public health concerns.


Pigeons are excellent navigators, and can find their way home from unfamiliar locations, making them brilliant messenger birds.



Using birds of prey can be a useful method for bird control. Lethal measures may be considered when a bird has breached food premises or surpassed proofing measures. However, culling pigeons to reduce flock sizes is seldom successful unless access to food is restricted, as population numbers tend to recover swiftly. It's crucial to emphasise that culling should only be considered as a last resort and in strict accordance with a wildlife licens —either general or individual—issued by the relevant government department.


Bird prevention, proofing, and control demand specialised skills, along with the use of specialist equipment and tools. Lethal measures are considered only as a last resort, and there is a requirement to exhaust reasonably practicable non-lethal bird control methods before contemplating culling. It's crucial to emphasise that all wild birds, their eggs, and their nests are protected by law. Consequently, attempting to control or manage birds independently is strongly discouraged. Professional assistance is recommended to ensure compliance with legal regulations and ethical considerations.


Dealing with a bird infestation poses its own set of challenges. Confronting such a situation without the right expertise can be a daunting task for the untrained individual. Contego, being a professional pest control company, specialises in addressing the complexities of bird-related issues. Our team possesses the knowledge and experience required to effectively manage bird infestations. Opting for Contego means choosing a solution supported by expertise and a dedication to quality service. Contego's professionals are well-equipped to handle the aftermath, preventing secondary risks to non-target animals. We are ready to provide the expertise needed for a thorough and lasting solution, effectively and responsibly safeguarding your environment from bird-related issues.

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Call Contego, for swift & effective solutions

If you suspect or are dealing with a pigeon infestation, please contact our professional pest control team at Contego Response. We have the expertise and resources to swiftly and effectively remove pigeons from your premises, protecting your business and its reputation.

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Don't wait until pests have invaded your premises, take action now and get in touch with Contego to safeguard your space from infestations. Our expert team is ready to assist you in defending yourself against pests, so contact us today for a comprehensive solution.

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