Do You Gnaw?

By Hannah Crooks2 min readFeb 2021
Do You Gnaw?

Did you Gnaw?

Rodents of all types have adapted to their environment in any which way they can to survive.

They have been known to live under snow in freezing conditions, living in cold stores inside meat carcasses. They have adapted that quickly that we have even seen mice with furry feet and thick furry heads like the mane of a lion.

We have even seen albino mice inside theatres and cinemas which have adapted to their environment in the dark.

Here is a list of evasive commensal rodents "which live alongside man."
Guinea pigs
Prairie dogs
Rodents need to gnaw and nibble all the time to keep their teeth sharp and to keep them at a manageable size, as they continually grow.

Did you know the word "Rodent" comes from the Latin word Rodere, which means "To Gnaw€.

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