Technical Tuesday

By Hannah Crooks2 min readFeb 2021
Technical Tuesday

It's almost 2020 but did you know 2020 it a leap year?

A Leap Day, February 29, is added to the calendar during leap years. This extra day makes the year 366 days long not 365 days, like a common year.

Women can ask a man to marry her. Role reversal on leap day.

The next leap day is February 29, 2020.
The last Leap Day was on February 29, 2016.

Leap days are needed to keep our calendar in alignment with the Earth's revolutions around the Sun.

It takes the Earth approximately 365.242189 days or 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 45 seconds to circle once around the Sun. This is called a tropical year.

Without an extra, or intercalary, day on February 29 nearly every four years, we would lose almost six hours every year. After only 100 years, a calendar without leap years would be off by approximately 24 days in relation to fixed seasonal days such as the vernal equinox or the winter solstice

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