5 Signs You Have Flies In Your Home

We’ve all been annoyed by that one fly that gets in the house in the summer when the windows are open. It buzzes around our heads all day, evading any attempt to swat it. But flies are much more than an annoyance.

Female houseflies can lay up to 100 eggs at a time, and they hatch within 24 hours, so before you know it, you could be dealing with a serious infestation in your home.

Flies love to land and feed on waste, faeces, and other decaying matter, and they pick up some nasty pathogens like salmonella and typhoid which they can then transfer to your kitchen surfaces and food, potentially making you and your family very ill.

Do you suspect you have a fly problem in your home? You need to act fast. Here are 5 signs you have flies in your home.

Seeing living flies in your home
Houseflies and fruit flies commonly invade homes, and while one or two flies might not be a serious issue, if you are seeing cluster of flies in and around your home, this needs dealing with. Flies love light, water, sweet things, and decaying matter, so check areas like light fixtures, gutters, rubbish bins, and fruit bowls.

Seeing dead flies in your home
This is another tell-tale sign of a fly problem. There are a few reasons why you might see dead flies in your home. Either they manage to get in but don’t find their way back out again and just end their life cycle in your home (flies only live for a few weeks) or they can’t find a food or water source. Without food or water, a fly can die within days.

There are dark clusters in certain spots

Flies will leave their faeces behind wherever they land. Over time, the faeces build up and look like clusters of black dots. You might notice these on windowsills, near drains, and around rubbish bins. Don’t forget to check for them up high too, in areas like high shelves or on top of the fridge.

There are maggots in your waste
This is one of the most sure signs that there are flies in your home. Female flies like to lay their eggs in moist, dark areas like in rubbish, rotting food, or animal waste. Maggots emerge from the eggs and start to feed on the decaying matter.

You can see fly pupae
After fly eggs hatch and become maggots, they enter a resting stage, where they pupate, ready to become adult flies. Fly pupae are a bit like butterfly cocoons; they are hard brown shells that protect the flies as they grow into adults. This happens within 3-6 days. You might notice fly pupae around breeding sites.

Do you have a problem with flies in your home?
If you’ve seen one or more of the 5 signs of flies in your home, you need to act fast, before you have an infestation on your hands.

Contego can help you protect your home and your family by getting rid of the problem fast and effectively, as well as giving you expert advice on how to prevent further infestations.

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