Commercial Customers: Stay One Step Ahead With Smart Pest Control

By Jordan Duff5 min readDec 2021
Commercial Customers: Stay One Step Ahead With Smart Pest Control

You manage a supermarket or food manufacturing business. You're subject to strict audits and regulations, and the repercussions for non-compliance are serious. You need to stay one step ahead when it comes to managing pests. Now you can, thanks to smart pest control.

Why You Need Smart Pest Control

Say you wanted to prevent a pest problem on your site. Or even worse, you suspected that you have one. You could buy a boatload of traps or bait yourself, put them down and hope for the best. The problem with that is;

  • You need to be certain that any pesticide you're using is not prohibited for use in food businesses;
  • Having to constantly check traps is very labour intensive, especially if you have a large premises;
  • You could have a serious infestation on your hands for weeks or even months before you know anything about it.

This can even be the case when you hire a pest control company. They might come, set up the traps, then agree to come back every week and check them. Traps can be effective in some situations, but when it comes to containing infestations, they can only do so much. You find a rat in a trap; how do you know how long it's been there? How do you know how many you might be dealing with on your premises? There's just no way of knowing.

Meanwhile, there's an infestation escalating and you're at serious risk of legal and public health repercussions. Smart pest control is an extremely effective and innovative way of making sure your business stays fully compliant.

Enter Smart Pest Control

Smart pest control comes in the form of smart traps and cameras. Smart traps are available for rats and mice. There's an antenna on each trap which is connected to the cloud and your MyContego app. Once the trap is triggered, you'll get notified instantly. This triggers alerts for the Contego service team too.

Smart pest control is all about giving you the peace of mind that you have active pest control on your site at all times. It means you can deal with an infestation early and get a better understanding of how serious it is. And not only that, it can give you an insight into what's going on in your business and how rodents might be getting in.

For example, say a trap was being triggered at roughly the same time in the early hours of the morning. Could it be that the night staff are having a smoking break around that time, and leaving the door open for pests to sneak in? Knowing things like this goes a long way to preventing pests from getting onto your site in the first place.

Smart Pest Control is Changing the Game

Smart pest control is changing the game when it comes to pest prevention and having access to that data you need for reporting purposes.

Our innovative smart remote pest control monitoring system has a 24/7 digital dashboard with email or text alerts so you know when you have a mouse or rat in the trap. No constant trap checking or having rodent carcasses rotting away on your premises. With our leading technology, you'll always be one step ahead when it comes to pest control.

Smart technology is the future of pest control and it's here now. Want to find out what it could do for your business? Get in touch.

Defend yourself against pests with Contego

Don't wait until pests have invaded your premises, take action now and get in touch with Contego to safeguard your space from infestations. Our expert team is ready to assist you in defending yourself against pests, so contact us today for a comprehensive solution.