Urban Myth: You'll Only Find Mice In Dirty Homes

By Jordan Duff5 min readDec 2021
Urban Myth: You'll Only Find Mice In Dirty Homes

You're pretty proud of your lovely home. So if you were to see a mouse darting across the floor, you'd probably be a bit freaked out. Not to mention embarrassed at the thought of having to call in pest control. But here's the thing, mice don't care whether a place is clean or dirty. Here's why you have mice in your house.

Why you have mice in your house

The main things that mice are looking for are:

Food: This is especially true in the autumn and winter, when finding things to eat outside becomes that much tougher. Normally, when outside, mice will eat things like seeds, fruit, nuts and berries, and insects like beetles and caterpillars. Come the winter, these are harder to come by, so mice will head inside to look for food. Your house is full of things that mice like to eat such as pet foods, grains, peanut butter, and pretty much anything sweet or fatty.

Shelter: This is another reason why you have mice in your house. Mice head indoors in the colder months where they can breed and nest somewhere warm and dry. There are lots of nooks and crannies in your home where they can hide out. They like to nest in places like lofts, inside of walls, in kitchen cabinets, and behind kitchen appliances.

How can I keep mice out of my house?

While it's true that mice don't care whether your house is clean or dirty, you should still take steps to make your home less attractive to mice.

This does include clearing up spillages and crumbs, and not leaving leftovers, dirty dishes, or pet food lying around. It's also a good idea to make sure that all foodstuffs are kept in sealed containers so mice can't get access to them. Clutter is attractive to mice as well, so declutter your home as often as you can. Things like cardboard, piles of old clothes, and newspapers make great nesting materials for mice.

Mice are fast and a bit sneaky, and when it comes to keeping them out of your house, it can be difficult. One of the best ways to keep your home mouse-free is to seal up any potential entry points where they could get in. Check for gaps and cracks around cables and pipes, in brickwork, and under doors. Seal them up with caulk and/or wire mesh.

Need help with mice in your house?

You'll be relieved to know that having mice in your house doesn't mean that it's dirty. Mice can easily get into homes because they are persistent and always on the lookout for food and shelter. Plus, they can get through the tiniest of gaps.

Don't let embarrassment put you off calling pest control as soon as you suspect that there may be mice in your house. These pests breed fast and before you know it, you'll have an infestation on your hands.

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Call Contego.

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