Stop gulls nesting on your site: Why you need to act now.

By Ellie Foster6 min readApr 2022
Stop gulls nesting on your site: Why you need to act now.

Stop Gulls Nesting on Your Site: Why You Need to Act Now

Gull breeding season 2022 is upon us. Gulls flock to urban areas to breed. High rooftops and other sheltered areas give them safe nesting sites away from predators. Not to mention there's an abundance of food going spare. But when gulls nest on your roof, it's not just a nuisance, it's a risk to health and your business. Here's why you need to act now to stop gulls nesting on your site.

When is Gull Breeding Season?

Gulls start to search for nests and mate in February and March. They usually lay their eggs in April or May and tend to lay 3 in each nest. By July and August, the young chicks have hatched and are starting to learn to fly. Adult gulls can get very aggressive when trying to feed or protect their young. By the end of the summer, things should get quieter. But your work isn't done. If you want to stop gulls nesting on your site, there's something you need to know.

Adult gulls tend to return to the same nesting site each year. When they are trying to find a new nesting site, they'll think nothing of travelling 80 miles to find one. Protecting your site from gulls is not a ’one and done' job.

Where Do Gulls Tend to Nest?

When gulls nest on your building, they'll choose somewhere where they'll be protected from the elements and predators. Nesting spots of choice include difficult to access areas like between chimney pots and on ledges.

The Problems Nesting Gulls Can Cause

There are several reasons why you need to act fast to stop gulls nesting on your site.

They are messy

Gulls are scavengers and will rip open bin bags and feast on discarded fast food to feed themselves and their young. As well as leaving a trail of food debris behind, they tend to leave buildings and walkways covered in droppings (guano). Guano contains a lot of nasty disease-causing pathogens as well as being very slippery.

Gulls can cause damage to property and vehicles

This is another important reason why you need to act fast to stop gulls nesting on your site. Gull guano is highly acidic and can corrode buildings and vehicles. Another way they can cause damage to property is blocking gutters with their nesting materials.

They are noisy and aggressive

The noise from a flock of nesting gulls can be deafening. They can also get very aggressive during breeding season. We're sure you've seen the headlines about gull attacks on people. This can become a real problem for employees, customers, and other visitors to your site.

How Can I Stop Gulls Nesting on my Site?

Luckily when it comes to deterring gulls from your site, there are a lot of options. There are bird proofing methods like bird wire, bird spikes, bird gel, and netting. You can also opt for falconry bird control, which is a very effective and humane long-term gull control solution. We'll look at these in more depth in a future article.

Need Help with Gulls? Call in the Professionals

Gulls, like all wild birds in the UK, are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. This means that you can't legally remove or destroy nests yourself, or harm the birds.

If you need help with a gull problem or you want to stop them from nesting on your premises in the first, call in the professionals. It's the only way to stay compliant with the law and protect your site and your business.

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