Cluster Flies: August's Most Annoying House Guests

By Roisin Clausen6 min readAug 2022
Cluster Flies: August's Most Annoying House Guests

Cluster flies are the larger and slower cousin of the housefly. As you might guess from their name, they like to gather in large numbers. This can be a nuisance if they find their way into your home. Here's what you need to know about cluster flies and how to get rid of them.

What is a Cluster Fly?

Cluster flies are hairy flies and are black in colour. You can distinguish them from a housefly because they are slower, larger, and they have stripes just behind their heads.

Where Do You Find Them?

Cluster flies love the heat so you'll usually find them gathering around your windows, especially on sunny days. One difference between cluster flies and other types of fly is that cluster flies can be a problem in the winter too. In the colder months, they might come into your home looking for a warm place to hibernate. Usually you'll find them in your loft or even inside of walls.

Why are Cluster flies a Problem?

The main problem with cluster flies is that they gather in such large numbers. Once the flies get in, they lay eggs which hatch in warm conditions. So you can't just kill the flies, you have to get rid of the eggs as well or you'll have a serious infestation on your hands.

Cluster flies also leave their faeces behind. You might see black spots wherever they have been. Their presence also creates a distinctive scent which attracts other cluster flies.

Are They Dangerous?

Cluster flies are annoying, and you might hate the sight of them buzzing around your home. But the good news is, they aren't a risk to health. While houseflies can spread germs and diseases by landing on surfaces and food, cluster flies don't pose a risk. If you see them flying around, you might be tempted to check that nothing's gone off or that there's not a dead animal anywhere. But there's no need. Cluster flies are parasitic. They lay eggs in worm burrows not in human food or rotting waste.

How to Get Rid of Cluster Flies

Even though cluster flies are not a threat to health, having them in your home in large numbers is not pleasant. Once they're in your home, your options are pretty much trapping them or killing them. We'd definitely recommend calling in professional pest control to make sure their eggs are destroyed and to stop the flies coming back.

Here's what you can do;

Vacuum thoroughly- vacuuming can get rid of the flies but also their eggs and larvae.

Get rid of any garden clutter- cluster flies breed in clutter and from there, they'll more than likely get into your house.

Seal up any gaps or cracks-inspect your home for any holes, gaps, or cracks in roofs, walls, and around doors and windows where cluster flies could get in.

Keep food covered-cluster flies love sweet things, so make sure you keep food in sealed containers.

Remove standing water-cluster flies love standing water and so do other pests like mosquitoes.

Got a Problem with Cluster Flies?

Dealing with a cluster fly infestation requires that you know exactly what you're dealing with.

Contego's expert pest technicians can tell the difference between the common species of fly that are found in homes. We also know how they get in and where they are most likely to hide out and breed. We'll inspect your property, treat the infestation, and give you expert advice on how to prevent cluster flies from coming back.

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