Rodenticides and Pets: What's the Guidance

By Roisin Clausen6 min readMar 2023
Rodenticides and Pets: What's the Guidance

Rodenticides and Pets: What's the Guidance?

If you have a rat in your home, your first instinct might be to invest in some toxic bait. But before you do, consider this. Rodenticide and pets don't mix. Here's what you should know about keeping your pets safe and what to do in an emergency.

How Could Rodenticides Poison My Pet?

Rodenticide could attract your pets

Rodent baits are designed to appeal to rats and lure them into a trap. It's possible that they could also appeal to your pet's sense of smell and natural curiosity.

Rodents could carry the poison through your home (or in their bodies)

Even if you stop your pet from entering the area where the rodent bait is, rats or mice could still carry the poison through your home. Baits won't kill them instantly, and they could scatter the baits in the area or carry them in their bodies. If for example, your cat decides to take a chunk out of a poisoned mouse, this could cause secondary poisoning.

What Happens If My Pet Ingests Rodenticide?

The effects of ingesting rodenticide on pets will depend on a few factors like the size of your pet and how much it has ingested. Remember how we said that rodenticides and pets don't mix? Rodenticides often contain ingredients like warfarin which can cause internal bleeding. This can be fatal if your pet isn't treated quickly.

What to Do in an Emergency

It can be incredibly worrying if you think that your pet has ingested rodenticide. According to the RSPCA, here's what you should do in an emergency.

If you suspect that your dog has ingested rodenticide:

· Move the dog away from the poison.

· Get in touch with your vet immediately. Tell them where, when, and how your dog ingested the poison. If possible, take the bait packaging to show the vet.

While you're waiting for the vet:

· Don't try to make your dog vomit or give it any medication.

· Keep your dog away from other animals to avoid cross-contamination.

How can I keep my dog safe from poisoning?

If you've put down rodent bait, keep an eye on your dog and try to place the bait in areas your dog can't access.

If you suspect that your cat has ingested rodenticide:

· Move your cat away from the poison.

· Call your vet and tell them what your cat has ingested, how much, and how long ago if possible. Also tell them about any symptoms it has.

While you're waiting for the vet:

· Don't try to make your cat vomit or give it any medication.

· Keep it away from other animals in the house.

How can I keep my cat safe from poisoning?

Keep rodent baits away from anywhere your cat has access to. Keep an eye on them, especially if like most cats, they're fond of ’playing' with mice or rats. If they come into close contact with one that has ingested poison, it can be enough to affect them too.

Rodenticide And Pets: Extra Safety Tips

Whenever you are using rodenticide or any toxic products, follow the directions on the label carefully. Don't use them around pets or their food. As well as following the instructions, make sure you store toxic products properly and keep them in their original packaging so you know what to do in an emergency. It will also help you tell your vet what the active ingredients are.

If rodent bait is spilled or disturbed in any way, make sure you clean it up thoroughly.

Defend yourself against pests with Contego

Don't wait until pests have invaded your premises, take action now and get in touch with Contego to safeguard your space from infestations. Our expert team is ready to assist you in defending yourself against pests, so contact us today for a comprehensive solution.