Pesky June Bugs: Identifying and Controlling Common Insects in the UK

You’re sitting out in the garden on an early summer evening and you notice some freakishly large bugs flying around your garden lights, or even worse, flying around you. The sight of a bug that looks like a flying cockroach can be quite disconcerting, but what are they? They are most likely June bugs. So how do you identify and control these summer pests?

How to identify June bugs

June bugs are light to dark brown and have six legs. They are beetle-like in appearance and have hair-like protrusions sprouting from their legs. As they are attracted to light, they may crash into your windows at night. June bug larvae are white ‘C’ shaped grubs which you can usually find in the soil in the spring and early summer.

Are June bugs dangerous to humans?

June bugs aren’t a threat to us. The real damage they do is in your garden. At all stages of their life cycle, they feast on plant leaves, trees, and shrubs. A major infestation of June bugs in your garden can seriously weaken and kill off your plants. They also eat grass, so if parts of your grass appear withered and dead, they could be to blame.

What are the signs of a June bugs infestation?

Dead patchy areas of grass in your garden that the larvae have fed on.

Holes appearing in plant leaves.

Controlling June bugs-what can I do?

Spotted damage in your garden and a swarm of the bugs themselves? Here’s what you can do.

Try homemade sprays

Making a spray containing neem oil and spritzing plant leaves with it can keep June bugs at bay.

Invest in bug zappers and traps

Commercial flying insect zappers and traps placed strategically in your garden can help with your bug problem.

Attract their natural predators

Birds like crows and robins feed on June bug larvae, so do your best to attract them into your garden. Attract crows by planting shrubs which have berries. Attract robins the same way, and consider installing a bird bath, which they love.

What about pesticides?

Before you take the chemical approach for your lawn and flower beds, consider this. Firstly, you need to know that you definitely have a June bug infestation before you do anything. Secondly, keep in mind that chemicals can affect the health and biodiversity of your soil which can have a further negative impact on your garden.

If you really want to target these bugs properly and effectively, you need to call in the professionals. Contego’s expert technicians will confirm that it’s June bugs causing the problem, then they’ll treat the issue safely with targeted professional grade products.

Want to enjoy warm summer evenings in the garden again?

Call Contego.

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