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Home Grown

By Hannah Crooks2 min readApr 2019
Home Grown

Grown in Britain is urging consumers and retailers to choose certified British-grown Christmas trees this winter, for an independent assurance they are grown in the UK, high on quality and freshness and low on tree miles.

A recent report published by Grown in Britain highlighted a risk that imported Christmas trees could provide a pathway for new tree pests and diseases to enter the UK. The organisation says the report's findings underline the need for retailers and buyers of imported trees to source their trees responsibly and ensure robust biosecurity measures are in place.

€œBuying a real Christmas tree is an integral part of the festive celebrations and a sustainable choice, which also supports the rural economy,€ said Dougal Driver, chief executive. €œThe UK has a thriving Christmas tree sector and many of the trees sold here are home-grown. However, it is essential that when trees are imported, the potential threat from new pests and diseases is minimised, so we can protect this country's Christmas tree plantations and the wider wood and forest environment. We plant two new trees for every one we harvest and each year, our Christmas tree plantations across the UK absorb 900 tonnes of CO2, benefiting the environment.€

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