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How to get rid of May Bugs

By Roisin Clausen4 min readMay 2023
How to get rid of May Bugs

You're sitting out one evening in early Summer when an annoying bug starts bothering you. Does it look like a flying cockroach? If so, it could be a May bug. They get their name because they tend to come out to play in May. Luckily, these bugs are harmless to humans but they could cause damage in your garden. Here's how to get rid of them.

How to identify May Bugs

May bugs are around 30mm long with a brown, black, or maroon oval-shaped body, brown wings, and a set of antennae. The antennae can detect pheromones which is how adult bugs find each other to breed.

The life cycle of May Bugs

In June or July, the female lays their eggs around 20cm down in the soil. The eggs hatch after 21 days and a white grub emerges. The grub lives underground for about two years and in that time, it feeds on plant roots. After two years, the grub pupates and adult May bugs emerge around October time. The bugs stay in the soil until the Spring. They only live for around six weeks but in that time, the female can lay up to 80 eggs.

Are May Bugs harmful?

May bugs are not harmful to humans. However, they are harmful for your garden. Their larvae feed on the roots of cereal crops and grasses so they cause considerable damage to farmland. Large bug populations can also do a lot of damage to grassy areas like lawns, cricket pitches, and bowling greens.

How to get rid of May Bugs

May Bugs are attracted to light so they'll take advantage of an open window and fly into your house on a Summer's evening. The best way to deal with these bugs is to close your windows or proof them with insect screens to stop them getting in your house in the first place.

Having trouble with May Bugs?

They might not be harmful to humans, but if you grow plants and crops, they can do a lot of damage to your garden and even your livelihood.

Protect your garden and your crops from destruction by calling in professional pest control.

Contego's expert technicians have the knowhow and products to deal with your pest issue quickly and efficiently. The most effective treatment is usually insecticide application and proofing around buildings.

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Don't wait until pests have invaded your premises, take action now and get in touch with Contego to safeguard your space from infestations. Our expert team is ready to assist you in defending yourself against pests, so contact us today for a comprehensive solution.