Keep Squirrels at Bay: Squirrel Prevention Tips

By Shane Morley4 min readJan 2024
Keep Squirrels at Bay: Squirrel Prevention Tips

    Squirrels, with their cheeky antics and nimble moves, might seem harmless at first glance, but when they invade your space, the consequences can be significant. To embark on effective prevention, it's crucial to comprehend the nuances of the squirrel challenge.

Understanding the Risk

When it comes to pests, squirrels might not be the first creatures that come to mind. However, the impact they can have on your premises, whether residential or commercial, should not be underestimated. The breakdown in communication between service providers, on-site teams, and decision-makers can elevate the risk levels associated with these seemingly innocent rodents.

Squirrels, with their persistent gnawing and nesting habits, pose a significant risk to property structures and can even lead to fire hazards if they decide to chew on electrical wiring. Beyond physical damage, the reputation of your business can be at stake if clients or customers notice signs of a squirrel infestation.

    Squirrel Prevention Tips:

    1. Seal Entry Points:
      Conduct a thorough inspection of your property to identify potential entry points. Squirrels can fit through surprisingly small openings. Seal any gaps or cracks in walls, roofs, or around windows and doors.

    2. Trim Overhanging Branches:
      Squirrels are agile climbers. Trim tree branches that overhang your property to limit their access. This simple step can significantly reduce the likelihood of a squirrel invasion.

    3. Secure Outdoor Food Sources:
      Squirrels are attracted to easily accessible food sources. Keep outdoor garbage bins tightly sealed, and if you have bird feeders, consider installing baffles to prevent squirrels from reaching the feed.

    4. Use Squirrel-Proof Bird Feeders:
      If you enjoy feeding birds, opt for squirrel-proof bird feeders. These are designed to prevent squirrels from accessing the food while still allowing birds to enjoy their meals.

    5. Install Wire Mesh:
      For more targeted prevention, use wire mesh to cover potential entry points. This is especially effective in areas where squirrels are prone to gnawing.

Common Squirrel Entry Points:

  • Attic vents

  • Chimneys

  • Vents in walls

  • Damaged roof tiles

  • Gaps around pipes

  • Deteriorated wood

Need help protecting your space from squirrels?

If you're having issues with squirrels, please contact our professional pest control team. We have the expertise and resource to swiftly and effectively eradicate pests from your premises.