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Rat Tails

By Hannah Crooks3 min readFeb 2021
Rat Tails

Resistance is everywhere! Or is it?
Contego will be supporting the University of Reading research project into Rodent Resistance.

What is Resistance?
Newer generations of rodents have a mutation in their genetic code, which allows them to survive what is known previously to be a lethal dose of poison.

What does this mean?
Rodents susceptible to positions are therefore removed from the population as the effects of poisons take hold. They are leaving behind those that have a higher tolerance/resistance to toxins. When resistant adults breed, they produce resistant offspring meaning rodent populations are increasingly harder to control.
The industry needs to come together and identify where resistant populations have been identified to action appropriate control measures and prevent unnecessary toxicants from entering the environment. We are excited to be participating in this project.

Supporting the project
Our technicians will be collecting rodent tails across the UK and sending them to the team at The Vertebrate Pests Unit (VPU) at the University of Reading.
The team screen for resistant animals using a simple tissue sample then analyse the DNA profiles of rodents to look for resistance genes. This information is used by the Rodenticide Resistance Action Committee to update an online map that allows pest control operators to find out what types of resistance are prevalent in their area and implement the most effective methods of control.

Want to learn more check out:

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