Flea Guide

12 min read



In the UK, fleas are not known to commonly transmit disease. While flea bites themselves don't present a direct health risk, they can lead to significant irritation and itching in both pets and humans. The primary concern with flea bites on humans is the potential for infection due to prolonged itching if left untreated. In some cases, flea bites have been associated with skin issues and can worsen respiratory conditions, leading to complications.


Pets experiencing a flea infestation can endure significant discomfort, and there's a possibility of them having an allergic reaction to the saliva of the fleas. While it's rare, prolonged periods of infestation could potentially lead to anemia due to blood loss.

Did you know:

Some adult fleas can jump 350 times their own body length, allowing them to switch between hosts easily.



The Cat flea, scientifically known as Ctenocephalides Felis, is the most prevalent flea species in the UK. While it's primary host is domestic cats, they're known for biting dogs and humans too. Despite it's name, the Cat Flea doesn't limit it's bites to cats. The dog flea, Ctenocephalides Canis, can also infest a variety of mammals but typically targets dogs and cats.

There are other species of flea to be aware of, such as the Bird flea and the Human flea. The bird flea has a short lifespan but is a prolific breeder, multiplying rapidly in environments like hen houses. Lastly, human fleas are now rare in the UK, and are recognised as carriers of the plague bacterium Yersinia pestis.



Fleas have the ability to live on any warm-blooded animal, although they are commonly found on humans, domestic animals, and rodents.

When not feeding on a host, fleas tend to be active in communal areas, places where pets sleep, and wherever there is increased activity. Soft furnishings that offer insulation, such as carpets, pet bedding, clothes and upholstered furniture, are common locations for fleas and their eggs. During an active infestation, you might observe fleas jumping in your carpet and furniture.

Surprisingly, about 95% of flea eggs, larvae, and pupae reside in the environment rather than on pets. Flea eggs can remain dormant for extended periods, up to 18 months, potentially pre-dating your occupancy in your current home.

It's important to dispel the misconception that fleas are only associated with dirty environments - they are not selective.

While an inadequately cleaned environment may provide better breeding ground for fleas, they can infest clean spaces too in their pursuit of a warm-blooded host.


Pets showing signs of skin irritation by constantly scratching, licking and biting themselves could be a very big sign that fleas have made your home... theirs!

Observing flea droppings in your pet's coat, you can easily identify them in light-coloured animals by brushing back the hair. For dark-coated breeds, it may be more effective to comb the animal over a sheet of paper to spot any fleas.

To verify the identity of black specks on your pet, simply add a few drops of water. If they change to a reddish colour, it can confirm the presence of fleas.

If you or other members of your household experience bites, they typically occur around the ankles and legs.

By stroking or holding a pet which is infested with fleas, you may end up discovering flea bites on your hands and arms.

The most unmistakable sign of a flea infestation is seeing them. When fleas aren't occupied by feeding on our blood, they are often visible jumping around on soft furnishings.

Did you know:

Fleas' mouths are designed for piercing the skin of their host and sucking blood. This feeding technique is what causes irritation in humans and pets.


Fleas thrive in temperatures ranging between 21-29°C, explaining their increased prevalence in the UK during the summer. Humidity is crucial fleas, as the moisture is necessary for egg hatching and the progression of the flea life cycle.

While fleas flourish in warmer climates, extreme heat can be fatal to fleas, including their larvae, pupae and eggs. Freezing temperatures can kill adult fleas, but those in various life cycle stages may enter a dormant stage.

In general, the warmer the weather, the more favourable the conditions for fleas.



It can be a mission to completely avoid your pet getting fleas, however there are steps to take that can reduce the risk of pest infestations. Frequent hoovering is a vital step, especially target soft furniture and carpets where your pet may commonly be around.

After returning from a walk, thoroughly brush your pet before going inside. Regularly clean your pet’s bedding, blankets and any other washable items, on the hottest temperature possible.

On a regular basis, apply vet approved flea prevention products to your pets. Maintain a clean garden, keeping any grass and bushes short, and rake up any clippings to minimise places where fleas could hide.


Although not advisable, individuals have the option to handle the task themselves by purchasing amateur-use insecticides from a hardware store or garden centre, it is important to think before every action and know what you are doing.

WARNING - Always read the label thoroughly before using any treatment products. Also, never apply any products intended for your home to your pet's skin or fur.


Dealing with a flea infestation demands specialised expertise due to the resilience and rapid reproduction of these tiny pests. Contego, a leading pest control company in the UK, excels in addressing the complexities of flea-related issues.

Our team of professionals is well-versed in managing flea infestations, ensuring a swift and effective resolution. Opting for Contego means choosing a solution backed by experience and a commitment to quality service.

We understand the importance of preventing secondary risks to non-target areas, and our experts are equipped to handle the aftermath with precision. When it comes to flea problems, seeking professional help is key, and Contego is here to provide the expertise needed for a thorough and lasting solution. Trust us to safeguard your environment responsibly.

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