Does Paying More For Pest Control Guaruntee Me Better Service?

By Hannah Crooks5 min readAug 2021
Does Paying More For Pest Control Guaruntee Me Better Service?

Cost is always a big consideration when you are thinking of hiring professional pest control. Service costs can vary widely and there are several factors that will impact on how much you'll end up paying. But does paying more for pest control guarantee you a better service? Not necessarily. Here's why.
Choosing a cost-effective pest control service
What you should be looking for is a pest control company that offers high quality services at a fair and reasonable price. But just like you don't want a cheap as chips company that does a below par job, you don't want one that's going to overcharge you so that you end up paying for extra services that you don't need either.
Remember that cost is not the only factor when choosing a pest control company
A good rule to remember is that price is not the only factor you should take into account when hiring a pest control company. A reputable pest control company will be licensed, insured, and accredited, and they should have a good reputation. The best pest control company is not necessarily the one you pay more for, though do bear in mind that high levels of training and the right products and equipment for the job cost money, so you should expect to see that reflected in the price.
So what can affect pest control costs?
Knowing the factors that can affect pest control costs can help you work out whether you're getting a good deal or not.
€¢ You'll generally pay less if your home or business premises is smaller and more if it's bigger.
€¢ The kind of pest you're dealing with and the treatment(s) required can impact on cost. For example, using heat treatment to get rid of bed bugs can be an expensive treatment because of the equipment and specialist training that's required. Similarly, a one-off service like removing a wasp nest will be far less costly than an ongoing programme of treatment.
Can I just cut costs by doing my own pest control?
DIY pest control methods can be less costly initially, though they can be labour intensive and aren't guaranteed to be effective. They definitely won't be effective in the case of a serious infestation, so rather than wasting time and money, you'll be better off calling in the professionals.
If you are absolutely certain that you are dealing with the odd pest and not an infestation, DIY methods are suitable, but make sure that you spend your hard-earned cash on safe and effective products that are designed to eliminate the target pest.
Why choose Contego?
Our comprehensive surveys and itemised quotes means that you'll always know exactly what you are paying for, and our reputation for quality means you can expect the best service at a fair price. You are not an afterthought, you are at the centre of everything we do, and we'll work with you to find the best and most cost-effective solution for your needs.
Need peace of mind, cost-effective service, and unrivalled pest control expertise?
Call Contego.

Defend yourself against pests with Contego

Don't wait until pests have invaded your premises, take action now and get in touch with Contego to safeguard your space from infestations. Our expert team is ready to assist you in defending yourself against pests, so contact us today for a comprehensive solution.