Protect My Listed Building from Birds.

By Jordan Duff4 min readJan 2022
Protect My Listed Building from Birds.

You own or manage a beautiful listed building. The last thing you want is for it to be inhabited by noisy, messy birds. But this is the fate of many historic buildings in urban areas. Here's how bird proofing can help you protect your listed building from pest birds.

Bird Proofing for Listed Buildings

Installing bird proofing on listed buildings can be a little trickier. Building facades might be incredibly delicate and detailed, and parts of the building can be hard to access. Then of course there's the fact that you need to make sure that the bird proofing method you choose doesn't affect the building's aesthetics or structure.

What are the Best Bird Proofing Solutions for Listed Buildings?

Bird Netting

Bird netting is a very effective deterrent and is a cost effective way of bird proofing your listed building. Netting offers durable protection from many urban pest birds such as pigeons and gulls and is almost invisible when it's installed correctly.

Bird Wire

Bird wire is another very effective bird control method. It's very discreet, cost-effective, and can be fitted to most surfaces. Bird wire is appropriate for situations where there is light bird pressure.

Fire Gel

Fire gel is an effective way to prevent birds from perching on listed buildings. The gel combines visual and olfactory (scent) deterrents to stop birds from landing on a structure. It's non-toxic and not harmful to the birds at all. Fire gel is particularly effective when it comes to deterring pigeons, as we demonstrated when we installed it for our clients at York Art Gallery.

Like many urban buildings, the gallery roof was too tempting for pigeons who wanted to perch on it. The building owners could only stand the roof and walls being covered in droppings for so long before they said ’enough' and called in Contego.

We were asked to proof this lovely Grade II listed building, without causing any change to the building's aesthetics.

Our expert technicians installed fire gel as part of a multi-million pound refurbishment project. We're very proud to say that we helped preserve this lovely building for a long time to come.

Protect Your Listed Building with Bird Proofing

Does your listed building need protection from pest birds? Contego's bird experts can recommend the best bird proofing solution for your needs. No matter how tricky the access or how discreet you need bird proofing to be, we can install deterrents that really work.

Defend yourself against pests with Contego

Don't wait until pests have invaded your premises, take action now and get in touch with Contego to safeguard your space from infestations. Our expert team is ready to assist you in defending yourself against pests, so contact us today for a comprehensive solution.