How Can I Keep Pests Out of My Supermarket?

By Jordan Duff6 min readJan 2022
How Can I Keep Pests Out of My Supermarket?

Supermarkets store huge amounts of food which makes them highly attractive to pests. But if retailers don't control pests, it puts employees, customers, profits, and their reputation at risk. Not to mention they risk breaking the law. Pest control in supermarkets is important. Here's how to keep pests out.

What pests do you find in supermarkets?

Considering the fact that supermarkets have to abide by stringent food safety and hygiene laws, any insect or animal on the premises would be considered a pest. Here are the most common pests found in supermarkets;

Rats and mice- Rodents carry diseases like salmonella which could cause a serious public health problem. They can damage food packaging and contaminate goods and the premises with their urine and droppings. Not only that, they can chew through wiring, causing damage and a potential fire risk.

Cockroaches- These pests breed fast and they're resilient, so they can be hard to get rid of. Until you do manage to eradicate them, they'll happily scurry around, contaminating food products with their droppings.

Flies- Flies love unemptied bins, food waste, and temptations like fruit and meat. If you're squeamish, don't read the next sentence. Flies defecate while they eat, so any food they've contaminated could make a customer very ill. Just one slightly gross reason why pest control in supermarkets is so important.

Ants- These pests don't carry diseases, but they can still contaminate food stuffs. What if they've crawled over a pile of dog poo enroute to your supermarket? You definitely don't want them crawling all over your products and surfaces.

Birds- Pest birds love to nest and roost on a supermarket roof or canopy. They don't usually enter the premises, but to cause damage, they don't have to. They can damage the roof or building structure, clog guttering with feathers and nest materials, and soil entrances and customer walkways with their droppings.

Pest control in supermarkets-what you can do

Check for and seal possible entry points

These include gaps in walls or under doors, and gaps around pipes or cables. You should also regularly inspect food storage areas and all those little nooks and crannies where pests could be hiding out.

Inspect any deliveries that come in

Despite the best intentions with quality control, pests like stored product insects can be sneaky. It's good practice to check deliveries thoroughly when they come in. Check boxes and packaging for signs of damage, especially fresh produce.

Keep stock secure

Keep foodstuffs as secure as you possibly can and avoid storing things at ground level where pest could get access. Wipe up any spillages in storage areas as soon as possible so you don't inadvertently attract pests.

Take care of your housekeeping

The shop floor, staff areas, and storage areas should all be kept clean to keep pests at bay. Wipe up spillages promptly, empty bins regularly, and sweep and mop floors often.

Get expert help with pest control in your supermarket

Whether you have a pest problem or you're aware that you need a more comprehensive pest management plan in place, you need to call in the professionals.

Complacency can land you in legal hot water should a pest problem cause a public health issue. At Contego, we've successfully controlled pests on behalf of supermarket chains across the UK. Whether it's been installing bird netting on a supermarket canopy or pest proofing a store interior against rodents, we've helped keep pests out and made sure retail premises stayed compliant and safe for employees and customers.

Defend yourself against pests with Contego

Don't wait until pests have invaded your premises, take action now and get in touch with Contego to safeguard your space from infestations. Our expert team is ready to assist you in defending yourself against pests, so contact us today for a comprehensive solution.