MOTHS: Is My Wardrobe at Risk?

By Roisin Clausen5 min readOct 2022
MOTHS: Is My Wardrobe at Risk?

Not every moth will want to take chunks out of your favourite sweater. But clothes moths will. They're small, unassuming and don't pose a risk to your health, but they can destroy your wardrobe if left unchecked.

Why Do Clothes Moths Eat my Clothes?

Clothes moths feed on keratin, a protein that's found in natural materials like wool, silk, fur, and leather. So that woollen jumper, silk blouse, and fur lined coat; they're all fair game. Unless you want to constantly be replacing your wardrobe, you have to deal with clothes moths sooner rather than later.

The Life Cycle of Clothes Moths

To understand when you need to be on the lookout for signs of clothes moths, it helps to know their lifecycle. Clothes moths lay as many as 100 eggs which hatch into larvae in as little as 4 days, depending on the temperature. Warmer temperatures make the eggs hatch faster.

It's not actually the adult moths that cause the most damage, it's the larvae. Clothes moth larvae have mouth parts which enables them to chew through fabrics. The larvae pupate when the temperatures get warmer, which is why you'll see a lot more moths around your home in the spring and summer.

How Do I Stop Clothes Moths From Eating my Clothes?

Because clothes moths lay so many eggs in one go and they hatch fast, an infestation can easily occur before you even realise you've got one. Protecting your wardrobe from clothes moths is possible however with a mix of practical measures you can take and professional pest control.

€¢ Vacuum everywhere. Clothes moths lay their eggs in dark, undisturbed places like inside of wardrobes and under heavy furniture that's not often moved. Hoover inside of wardrobes and under furniture regularly and get into all those nooks and crannies that are often forgotten.

€¢ Inspect clothes regularly for signs of moth damage.

€¢ Don't put clothes back into your wardrobe after you've worn them because food stains, sweat, and skin cells will attract hungry food moths.

€¢ Protect any vulnerable items by keeping them in garment bags.

How Long Does it Take to Get Rid of Clothes Moths?

There's no definite answer to this, we're afraid. Killing a couple of moths won't eradicate an infestation because there could be hundreds of eggs waiting to hatch and start the cycle all over again. Getting rid of clothes moths is about taking preventative measures, being vigilant, and getting professional help to protect your items.

Seen Signs of Clothes Moths in Your Home?

You might think the odd clothes moth here and there isn't a problem. But the hundreds of eggs lying in wait to hatch into destructive larvae are a serious issue. Protect your clothing from costly destruction and call in professional pest control today.

Contego's expert pest technicians will assess your home, determine that you have a clothes moth infestation, and take the most effective steps to eradicate it. As well as dealing with the active infestation, we'll also give you advice on how to prevent a re-infestation.

Need help with clothes moths now?

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